We're Really Doing This!
Needless to say, this has been a crazy year! Everything was different and it seemed like none of us really knew exactly what it was we were doing. This was especially true in Youth Ministry. Everything we expected to do was no longer on the table.
We wanted to have FUN playing games with kids, running around the youth room, wrestling (yes we do that) with them, etc., but we were not allowed. We wanted to have FOOD with them relaxing at picnic tables with our cell phones put away and just enjoy each other’s company over a meal. But we couldn’t do that. We wanted to hangout with close FRIENDS, new and old, but we couldn’t do that (well, we could, but 6 feet apart wearing masks!). And we desperately wanted to share the Christian FAITH with them, which we COULD do, but it was weird (see above!). And even this summer, things are still a little off.
However, we decided to move ahead with one of our all-time favorite things! Something we launched about 12 years ago to truly “love our neighbors in extraordinary ways!” That’s right! We're doing BMW (Brevard Mission Week). Next week, June 28th — July 1st, we’re really doing this! And we couldn’t be more excited. We have some limitations, of course, but we’re forging ahead! We have a great group of willing and able students who have chosen to be a part of this week as young disciples of Jesus and true servants. Our plan is to have a great time together, enjoy true Christian community, work and serve around the church, and dig deeper into our theme. And what is our theme? It is “Do … Love … Walk!” It is based on Micah 6:8 which reads:
He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
We’re calling it a “Micah 6:8 Week” and it’s going to be awesome. We would love for you to pray for us and be wonderful cheerleaders for us and the kids as we take over the entire church facilities!!
We’re really doing this … and we couldn’t be more excited!
See you on Sunday!
Pastor of Student and Family Ministries