Simple Gifts: Grounded Generosity
“What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?” Psalm 116:12
For the last couple of weeks, we have been reflecting on the simple gifts that are all around us. The gifts that God pours into our lives with extravagance and faithfulness. This Sunday, we will each be invited to consider our personal answer to the question posed by the Psalmist above, “What shall I return to the Lord…?”
Somewhere over the last couple of weeks, I was reading “something” (I failed to note what I was reading at the time) and made a note of the following, “Generosity is grounded and prayer and undertaken in gratitude.” This caught my attention because of the ways I’ve experienced the truth of this statement over the last several years. The generosity of our time, our talents, and our resources naturally flow from a grateful heart that knows and celebrates the gifts of God in our lives. When we are aware of God’s blessings and gifts, when we are grateful for those gifts, we are motivated and empowered to live open-handed, open-hearted, generous lives.
At the same time, prayer invites us to reflect on the gifts of God in our lives. Prayer invites us to seek to align our lives with God’s purposes. Prayer enables us to discern where God is leading us, and how God is calling us to use God’s gifts in ways that pass along God’s blessings to others. Author Henry Nouwen talks about the relationship between prayer and gratitude, “As our prayer deepens into constant awareness of God’s goodness, the spirit of gratitude grows within us. Gratitude flows from the recognition that who we are and what we have are gifts to be received and shared.”
Gifts received. Gifts shared in gratitude. That is what faithful, God-honoring stewardship is all about. Each of us is the recipient of God’s gifts. We have valuable talents. We have the gift of time. We have the gift of resources. As God is generous, we are called to reflect that generosity in our lives. As God gives, God invites us to use a portion of those gifts to bless others and to be about God’s Kingdom work in the world.
I hope you have been praying, “God, where would you want me to be in my giving? Where would you want me to be in my serving?” I also hope you have been praying for our church and the ministry of Christ in this place. And I pray you will prayerfully complete your Estimate of Giving card and your Called to Serve Time and Talent survey. This Sunday in worship, whether you are worshipping online or in-person, there will be time for us to pray as we offer these sacred decisions to God. If you are attending in-person worship, remember to bring both these items to worship with you. If you are worshipping online, you can either complete these items online, mail them, or drop them off at the Church Office during the week.
How do we respond to the generosity of God? How do we say thank you to God? We honor God as we grow more generous in our living and giving as a response of gratitude for all the simple gifts that God has placed in our lives. “See” you this Sunday in worship as we take the next step in our journey of growth in gratitude and generosity.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Annette