Watching and Waiting
A couple of weeks ago at our Blue Christmas worship service, I shared that I’ve been participating in an online Advent Retreat led by a friend and colleague Rev. Jan Richardson. Jan is an inspired artist, poet, and writer who uses all these gifts to lead others deeper into the mystery of God with us (you can find some of Jan’s work at
This past Sunday, Jan’s reflection included a line that captured my imagination. Writing about the reaction of John the Baptist as he kicked and danced in Elizabeth’s womb at the sound of Mary’s greeting, she writes, “It would, in time, become a habit and a calling for John, to proclaim and prepare the way for the Christ that even he had not seen but whose light he knew in his bones.”
It was the last part of that sentence, “whose light he knew in his bones,” that caught my attention. As we stand on the precipice of Christmas, we prepare to proclaim once again the promise of God made real and visible in Jesus. We say along with the scriptures that “the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:2), and “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5)
Is it possible that we know the light is there? That we too, like John, even in our darkest moments, can feel it in our bones? Is it possible that part of the reason so many folks celebrate Christmas is that without even realizing it, people can feel that the light really does exist, and they can feel it at Christmas deep in their bones?
The great miracle is that the light not only exists, has not only entered this world once and for all time in Jesus, but as Jesus said, the light lives in us! “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14.
This Thursday evening, we begin the celebration of the light that shines in the darkness and in and through us with our Pre-Christmas Eve worship under the stars at 7:00 pm, out on the lawn that faces Wickham Rd. This is a terrific opportunity to worship with family and friends especially if you will be traveling on Christmas Eve. Bring a blanket or chairs and enjoy this casual worship experience with carols, candles, and communion.
Then on Christmas Eve, we will host our usual lineup of Christmas Eve worship – beginning at 4:00 pm with Family Worship in the Worship Center, and continuing with 6:00 pm Contemporary Worship in the Worship Center and 5:00 pm, 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm traditional worship in the sanctuary. All services from 5:00 pm on will include communion, and the nursery is available at the 5pm, 6pm, & 7pm service. Our 7:00 pm service will also be live-streamed.
When you know “the light in your bones,” the best and perhaps the only appropriate response is to give thanks and worship the giver of the light! I hope you will join us either in person or online as we celebrate the miracle of the gift of light, love, hope, and peace in our midst. And I pray you will know, wherever you may be this Christmas, deep in your bones, the difference that light makes.
Watching and waiting for the light once again,
Annette Stiles Pendergrass
PS. Remember - one worship experience on Sunday, December 26, 9:30 am in the sanctuary.