Pastor's E-Letter 8/14/20
“[They’re] my person.”
If you are a fan of the hit TV-show Greys Anatomy, (or even if you’re not!) you’ve probably heard or seen this quote float around, shared between main characters Meredith Grey and Cristena Yang.
Throughout the series, Cristena and Meredith being one another's' “person” is a theme. Even as Cristena goes on to other endeavors, and Meredith’s life changes again and again, Cristena is still Meredith’s “person.” They’re with one another, thick and thin. The relationship that they share is beyond even the worst parts of each other and a steady force in their lives. It is a gift, and a grace to each of them.
I wonder if, as you read that quote, you can think of your “people,” in this life. I can. They are close, intimate friends who know me well and know even the worst parts of me. They have shown up, again and again, in the face of all of my messiness and loved me. It is a true gift, without which I’m not sure I would be where I am today.
Stage 2 of our Launch Sequence is all about the Christian gift of this relationship, in “Love each other.” It is about the way our Christian discipleship shapes our relationships with our families, and our relationships in the church. It is also about the deep importance of Christian relationships and community, and how these forces shape our lives- like being someone’s person, and showing up in the mess.
The encouragement to participate in Christian community is similar, but not exactly the same, as Meredith and Cristena’s relationship in Grey’s Anatomy. Certainly, we are called to support one another in the crises and the mess that we encounter. I hear that again and again from our long-term Life Groups, and you’ll hear it on Sunday. We are better together. But, witnessing to one another’s mess is not where we end; but rather we walk with each other through it and help one another follow Jesus better. The basic desire of a Christian community is to form one another and the world to be more like Jesus.
This is why I think it is so vital for you to engage in our Stage 2 Opportunities. Whether it is a long-term Life Group, a Journey or Oasis Class, Mens’ or Womens’ groups, or an age-based opportunity like Older or Younger Adult gatherings, we think that gathering together in deep, intimate Christian relationship has the power to make a difference in our lives in extraordinary ways. We would love to get you connected in groups, especially this fall in the midst of the coronavirus isolation we are experiencing. Please know you can always reach out to me at
to begin that process.
As Pastor Annette and I have Zoom check-ins with Life Groups, I hear this truth reflected over and over from you, too. Your groups hold you up, especially during this time. I know this is true of me, too. In my life, this Christian community includes “covenant” groups that I participate in- one with friends from seminary, and another, slowly beginning, is a group of clergywomen in Florida. Some weeks, these groups are fun and silly catch-up-on-trash-TV message threads. Other weeks, we get into the deepest, messiest parts of life and ministry: we are sad, or scared, or burnt out, or tired. We talk about marriage, children, and family, and the deep love and loss that accompanies these things. I know these groups will continue to help me be the best follower of Christ I can be, and hold me accountable to love and grace in the midst of all of life’s trials.
Being together is a true gift. And I know that you all miss being close to one another, physically present in worship! We had a wonderful first Sunday back on August 9th- but were so cognizant of how many of you have still, validly, chosen to stay home. All of our services were socially distanced and safe- so if you’re looking to come back but unsure, or if you haven’t registered, you can register for this Sunday at Remember, you need to register for services each week. On this form, you can also see how many others have registered, if you’re looking to go to a “smaller” service to be safe.
In that way, whether you’re a fan of Grey’s Anatomy or not; whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert; whether you’ve done a study or a group before or not; we all need Christian community. I invite you to seriously evaluate Stage 2 and see where you might be able to join and re-engage this aspect of your faith.
See you virtually (or in person!) this Sunday,
Pastor Allee