Pastor's E-Letter 10/2/20
As I was reading our Scripture for worship this week in Matthew 6:22-33, an old, familiar friend came to my mind: Big Mouth Billy Bass, the Singing Fish. Billy was a familiar staple in many offices. (And still might be- I know a certain staff member has one in their office at home!) When I was a kid, my Dad had a Billy Bass in his office. When my sister and I would spend time with him at work, we would play Billy over and over, giggling at his dancing and the songs he sang. My favorite song Billy sang was “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” originally sung by Bobby McFerin.
“Don’t worry, be happy.” Bobby (and Billy!) sings over and over again, to the tune of whistling and acapella humming. (It is likely you now have this in your head too, and while I’m sorry, it has been in my head all week, so I can’t be that sorry.) While this silly connection seemed only on the surface level, I listened again to its words. The song really encapsulates the words that Jesus has for us in Matthew 6. Bobby sings,
“Like good little children, don't worry, be happy
Now listen to what I said, in your life expect some trouble
When you worry you make it double
But don't worry, be happy, be happy now.”
We can, and have, expected trouble in this season, haven’t we? Throughout this pandemic I have done my fair-share of hand-wringing, worrying, and catastrophizing. I have wondered if ends would really meet in the church, and in my family. For some, catastrophe became a reality, either through a difficult COVID diagnosis, lost job, or otherwise feeling the pinch of this new reality. We know that this season has been incredibly difficult.
Yet, we also know, in so many ways, God has provided. God has provided assistance to those who are hurting through you all, and in our outreach ministry. God has provided comfort and peace in the midst of the dark valleys so many of us walk in. God has provided for us as staff and pastors in your faithfulness, your joy, and your continued dedication to the ministry of this church. Suntree remains “on the right track,” because of your generosity and your continued faithfulness in your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for you.
This is why, in the spirit of Billy Bass and Jesus’ word to the disciples in Matthew 6, we begin our Generosity Campaign this year in celebration and gratitude. “Don’t worry, be happy!” can be our tune when we look back at how we’ve made it thus far. In so many ways here at Suntree, my catastrophic thinking in March has not come to pass at all. We have seen again and again how you all, as a church community, have risen to the occasion for one another and for the congregation as a whole. You have continued to pray the question we asked for the first time last year, “Lord, where do you want me to be in my giving?” and have responded in great generosity.
In this spirit of celebration and gratitude, here is Sidney Crouch, our spokeswoman for our campaign, introducing you to Take the Next Step in Gratitude.
Taking the Next Step in Gratitude
Jesus closes his words in Matthew 6 with a promise: “Seek first the Kingdom, and all the rest will be added to you.” This has been a season of seeking God’s kingdom in the midst of crisis, and we have seen God’s abundant provision over and over again. As we think about our giving and generosity for this month, we invite you to celebrate what God is up to in you, your family, your neighborhood, and your church.
We are certainly celebrating YOU!
See you Sunday,
Pastor Allee Willcox