Pastor's E-Letter

Pastor's E-Letter

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Pastors E-Letter 10/30/20

There is an old folklore that says when a red cardinal visits your yard, you have a visitor from heaven. I grew up believing this folklore in my family- pointing out the red birds that would sit on our window sills and in the yard. It is one of the many ways I remember my grandparents, particularly my maternal grandmother. She had passed the folklore onto my aunts and uncles, and then onto me. I still find myself looking for red birds to this day. Just in the last year, when my sister went wedding dress shopping, there was a red cardinal on the tree by the first store. My first Good Friday here, a red cardinal sat on the bush outside of my office. I felt Grandma Jackie’s spirit both times. She has been gone for 13 years, yet I still look for little signs that she is proud of me, or watching over me. I still want to pick up the phone to ask her what she thinks about this election cycle, coronavirus, or my career. I wonder how she’d feel about the world now. Grief has a funny way of asking us those unanswerable questions.
When I see cardinals, though, I think: someone from heaven is cheering me on, visiting. They, my grandparents, mentors, extended family, have stopped by for Good Friday, in a dream, for a wedding celebration. Even in its superstition, I feel the promise of Scripture’s “great cloud of witnesses,” and trust that my relatives who have passed away are still with me. This is a promise that we communicate at every funeral service we do, and one that is a touchpoint for so many who grieve. Whether you’re looking for sunbeams, rainbows, butterflies or birds, we all long to feel the presence and spirit of those who have died before us.
This Sunday is officially All Saints Day around the world and throughout the church. Contrary to the name, All Saints Day isn’t just about the formally sainted. In the Catholic and particularly the Protestant Church, we celebrate ordinary saints and the ways they have changed our lives. It is the church's moment of cardinal watching. We tell stories, light candles, and remember tangibly the saints who have made a way for us. All Saints Day ushers in a season of memory for me: during the holidays, our storytelling and remembering increases a hundred fold as we make the traditional family recipes and use the antique and treasured holiday decorations. Year round, the cardinals are one such sign of the mark “my saints” have made on my life.
This year, All Saints Day feels especially important. 2020 has been a “pandemic of grief,” as Nadia Bolz-Weber said in March. It has felt overwhelming to watch the news and to hear about death, loss of jobs, and illness day after day. In worship, we will lift up the names of those who have died in our congregation and light candles for all of our losses. In addition to that, we will remember the 227,000+ who have lost their lives from COVID in the US, and the 16,600+ here in our home state who have died from COVID as well.
All Saints Day doesn’t imply that every person we remember is perfect. Far from it! The best stories that we tell often involve their mistakes, failures, or quirks in our lives. The saints are ordinary folks, who have lived lives with purpose and meaning. The saints are people who have made our ministries, our vocations, and our personal goals possible. They have lived lives, as our Scripture will tell us, “to become more like him,” in every way. We honor their legacy and are grateful for their gift, even as we grieve. We also trust that God can do miraculous things in resurrection- leaving legacies of Saints behind that we can trust in, rely upon, and follow after. We remember that God has not left us alone, but with a great crowd of witnesses that cheers us on in “becoming more like him [Jesus.]”
I am excited to do that work with you this week.
See you Sunday (and don’t forget your bell!),
Pastor Allee
Posted by Allee Willcox with

Pastors E-Letter 10/23/20

Back in August, during our “Launch into Extraordinary Love” series, we talked about the lifelong process of intentional spiritual growth that leads us to grow more and more into the likeness of Jesus. Now, for the last 3 weeks, we have again been talking about spiritual growth as we think about growing in our generosity as an expression of our gratitude. Our whole “Taking the Next Step in Gratitude” generosity campaign is aimed at encouraging all of us to see our earning, saving, spending, and giving through the eyes of God. The goal is to enable our hearts to become more and more centered on God, more focused on the things that really matter in life and more free to celebrate the amazing gifts of God by giving a significant, planned portion of those gifts back to God and to causes that enable God’s ongoing Kingdom work in the world.
A line from Adam Hamilton’s book, “Enough” has been stuck in my head ever since I read it. It is a subtitle in the 4th chapter of the book, and it reads, “Created to give, tempted to keep.” God created us in God’s own image which means that God created us with the willingness to give as a way of reflecting the extravagantly generous character of God. But the problem is that we struggle against that impulse. We are afraid if we give, there may not be enough left over for us. We also struggle with self-gratification, worrying that if we give, we might not have enough left over to enjoy all the “things” we want to enjoy in life.
Which is why growing in gratitude and generosity is such an important part of our spiritual growth. As we center ourselves in gratitude for all of God’s gifts, we realize that what matters most in our lives has very little to do with the stuff that we sometimes think we need. Likewise, as we center ourselves in gratitude, we discover peace and contentment with all that God has already given to us. Finally, as we center our hearts in gratitude, we want to say thank you to God and generosity follows. We want to express our gratitude to God and to reflect God’s generosity in our own generosity. We want to use God’s gifts in ways that make a lasting, eternal difference. In the process, we become more and more, the generous, open handed persons God intends for us to be. We become less anxious, more content, and finally more joyful. I guess you could say that the cycle of generosity begins in gratitude and ends in freedom and joy which is what Paul was saying when he said, “God loves a cheerful giver.”
This Sunday in worship, we will be celebrating our Take the Next Step in Gratitude Sunday. Our intention throughout this series has been to celebrate and give thanks for all that God has done and is doing in us as individuals and through Suntree UMC. In all the challenges we have faced over the last 8 months, we wanted to say, “Look at what God has done! And look at what God has done through your generosity!” We have so much to celebrate and so much over which to give thanks. The only questions that remain are, “How will we continue to thank God for all of God’s gifts and blessings? How will each of us honor and glorify God?” This Sunday is about answering those questions along with the one that we have invited you to pray daily, “God, where do you want me to be in my giving?” Your answer is between you and God. It is a deeply spiritual question with profound implications for each of our lives.
I hope between now and Sunday you will continue to pray over these questions and that you will join us in worship as we celebrate God’s amazing work among us and seek to answer those questions as we fill out our estimate of giving cards. Most of all, I pray we will each know the deep joy, freedom and contentment that flows from a grateful and generous heart.
Grace and Peace,

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