Pastor's E-Letter

Pastor's E-Letter

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Pastors E-Letter 11/13/20

“I no longer attend church. I no longer feel my family is welcome.” I heard these troubling words many times in the 1980s while doing research for my doctoral dissertation. At the time I was interviewing families with mentally ill relatives. As someone who had devoted much of his life to church ministry, I was appalled to hear their stories. Some had given up on church because of the way their mentally ill loved ones had been stigmatized by members and even by pastors. They told me horrible stories of hearing sermons in which mental illnesses were attributed to and equated with sin and evil (They are not. Mental illnesses are no-fault brain chemistry conditions.). They shared the pain of being told their loved ones were no longer welcomed because other church members worried mental illness might be contagious (It is not). When I remember these tragic events today, I am reminded of how truly blessed I am to be a part of Suntree UMC, a congregation where everyone is welcome and includes in its vision and mission the decision to love people with mental health conditions.
In 2016-2017 Suntree UMC developed a 4D Vision Plan. Most of our members know our vision statement by heart: “Our vision is to love God, love each other, and love our neighbors in extraordinary ways.” As we explored the implications of that vision in our planning, we identified mental health as one of our target areas and included this goal: 
“Begin a program of education and training to raise awareness about mental health issues in our community. Partner with local agencies to provide training and resources to the church and community regarding mental health issues.”
In order to implement this objective, we established a Mental Health Task Force and have celebrated a Mental Health Sunday each Fall along with a major mental health awareness event. In 2019, we had a well attended Mental Health Fair in our dining room and Worship Center. Due to COVID 19, our 2020 Mental Health Fair is a virtual event using Zoom. This year’s event is especially timely as mental health has been one of the casualties of the pandemic. The past few months have been difficult times for all of us, especially for those who have prior mental health conditions, and also for those who provide care for persons who are mentally and emotionally challenged.
During a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey taken in June of 2020, 40.9% of respondents reported adverse mental or behavioral health conditions. This study revealed a major spike in mental health conditions since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, including increased anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation, among both youth and adults. When this COVID related increase in mental health conditions is added to the reality (according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness) 1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness each year, there is obvious reason for alarm.
In response to these difficult times, the 2020 Virtual Mental Health Fair has a distinguished lineup of speakers, will address a wide range of mental health problems, provide useful information for those who need help, share awareness of resources, identify service gaps, and underscore the need for improved services for persons with mental health conditions in Brevard County. (For more information and to register go to or call the church office.)
Not only are some churches insensitive and unloving when it comes to mental health conditions, sadly, they miss the beauty and emotional/spiritual healing available in the many mental health related passages found in Scripture. One of my favorites is Philippians 4:4-8. I encourage you, as this pandemic continues to rage, to read and meditate on this text, and to pray for our Mental Health Sunday and Virtual Fair on November 15. 
Peace and Blessings,
John Baggett

Pastors E-Letter 11/6/20

As I write this, I realize most of us have been distracted with the election and political discourse this month. I am comforted in remembering that throughout Scripture, the world at large has been chaotic, unjust and painful. And yet, God continues to pour God’s Spirit into us. God has promised repeatedly to be present with us. We never walk alone. And as God has promised to be with us, God has called us to action. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” Because of the gift of God’s Spirit in us, we are freed to love our neighbor in extravagant ways. And in uncertain times, embracing our freedom to love feels, to me, like the best way to live out our faith.

In the midst of any uncertainty, we as United Methodists realize God’s call to continue Christ’s work in ourselves, our congregation and our community. Sometimes that need feels overwhelming and our own resources seem small in comparison to the need. However, our Bishop, Kenneth H. Carter reminds us, “Do for one what we would do for many.”

One of my favorite parts of serving as your Director of Outreach Ministries is witnessing firsthand the intersection of great need with deep generosity. To learn more about all of the wonderful organizations we serve with, simply go to and explore all of the opportunities to share our generosity with others in the community.

Here are just a few of the ways we continue to live out our faith and hope in Jesus the Christ this season:

We have re-instituted the Mission Boxes near our worship spaces, and are announcing the highlighted mission each month. You can always learn more about these missions at

In a community resource assessment, we were delighted to discover our church neighbors on either side of us: Advent Lutheran Church and St. Paul’s Anglican Church, both offer food pantries. Rather than triplicate their efforts, we decided to close our own food distribution service and instead partner with these churches. We have donated food pantry items to them monthly. We are in need of a congregation member to deliver food pantry items to these churches on a regular (bi-weekly or monthly) basis. Contact to volunteer for this.

For the upcoming holiday season, we are again gifting Thanskgiving Missions Baskets for families in need. Each family receives a basket filled with a turkey, ingredients and recipes for side items to make a complete, fresh Thanksgiving meal. We plan to serve 50 families (over 200 servings!) with your generous donations.You can find the list of items to donate at The deadline for donations is November 15th.

We also minister to the families who struggle to provide Christmas gifts for their children. We will be collecting gifts for our local Brevard children through Gifts from the Heart. You can donate new, unwrapped Christmas gifts beginning November 22nd outside the worship areas or at

Finally, in December, we are so excited to host "The Nativity Experience: a Journey Through Bethlehem"- a live, drive-thru, event to share the miracle of Jesus Christ with our community! We need the help of everyone to make this a success. You can sign up to “adopt a tent” where you can decorate your area and act as Biblical era vendors in a marketplace; pose as shepherd or Wise men, or help with design, or set up and tear down all the elements that will transform our outside campus into a Biblical era space! The Nativity Experience is also presented to benefit Zoe Empowers: a vital and remarkable ministry which empowers orphaned and vulnerable children in poverty stricken countries to develop businesses as a way of self-sustainment and community up-lifting. Go to for more information and to sign up!

Even in the midst of a season filled with division and uncertainty, service is one thing that can truly bring us all together. I pray that you continue to lean into God’s calling and pursue a life filled with pursuit of holiness, both in personal spiritual growth and in outward forms of service and generosity.

Many Blessings,
Staci Plonsky

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