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Young Adults

Young Adults At Suntree | #YAAS

“Are you between the ages of 18 and 39ish? These offerings are for you! Our young adult ministry at Suntree is meant to be authentic, accessible, and FUN! Check out what we’re offering below and be sure to follow us on our social media!


A place for you to belong and meet other young adults at Suntree! We meet on the 1st Friday of every month at various local restaurants and bars in the Melbourne area to get to know one another and socialize. Come and hang out with us! Check out the YAAS facebook page to find out where the next First Friday will meet.

Bible study

Looking for something a little deeper? Check out our Bible Study! We will be studying the book of Genesis. Bible Study meets on select Sundays (check back on this page, or on our social media, for specific dates) at 5:30pm in the Den.

Young Family Group

Are you a parent with young children? Are you looking for a place to connect with other parents? Join our Young Family Group! We typically meet the second Sunday of each month (usually in the afternoon). Visit our Suntree UMC Facebook page to check out our next event or join our Young Adults @ Suntree Facebook Group! 

Connect with us

Connect with us on one of our social media platforms!

YAAS Facebook Group

YAAS Instagram