Saturday, October 24, 2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
All the amazing fun of our annual Trunk or Treat, just in a Drive-Thru format. Your family never has to leave the car. Come enjoy all the creative trunks, amazing costumes, and LOTS of candy. Everything is planned with your family's safety as a top priority. This is a FREE family event for the entire community.
We invite you to our church grounds where you will be able to enjoy the festivities that accompany Trunk or Treat safely from your vehicle. Dress the kids up and bring them by to see the creatively decorated trunks displayed by members of Suntree UMC! At the end of our parade of trunks, each child will receive a bag of candy and treats to enjoy. Please register the number of children expected to attend.
So we need our church family to try and make this a great event for our kids! We need cars! Cars will be set up in Family units and spaced apart all over campus.
We need Candy! Candy can be donated on Sunday mornings or to the church office! We also will take monetary donations.
Decorated Cars and donations needed for candy. Mark your calendars! Sign-ups for cars start the week of Sept. 28th. Candy donations can be brought in beginning October 5th. We will also accept monetary donations for candy, link coming soon!
Thank you in advance for making this time so special for the kids!
Please note: For your safety, you must stay in your vehicle. Restrooms are not available during this event. The bags of candy will be prepared and distributed by masked and gloved volunteers.