Sunday, January 19, 2020, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Financial Peace University begins at 3pm on Sunday, Jan. 19 in Room 108! Are you tired of money stress? Are you ready to take control of your money? Then join us for Financial Peace University (FPU). This nine-lesson course, designed and taught by Dave Ramsey and his team, helps you work a plan to nail a budget, defeat debt, and free yourself from money worries! You’ll join a small group for discussions and lessons—all rooted in biblical wisdom and common sense. The $20 course fee covers your FPU member workbook and a free year of Financial Peace Membership, with online tools created to support your journey. Class size is limited so sign up early. Childcare is available. For more info and to register, contact Jim Davidson at 626-1903 or .